Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Stuck in Valdosta, Georgia

About two hours into our trip today, a kind trucker signaled for us to pull over.  Our tire on our trailer was seized and smoking.  Sigh.

After about an hour wait, AAA showed up and towed us to a service center.  It appears that the ball bearings will need to be replaced.  We don't yet know how long this will take--fortunately, we have a few days of wiggle room, but we really want to visit the Georgia Aquarium and Colonial Williamsburg before stopping for a few days in Maryland.

Here's hoping for a quick (and not too expensive) fix......

In the meantime, we visited a buffet here in Voldosta.  I had some fried okra, some sort of mushy meat meal thing with gravy and some really spicy cucumber salad.  Yum.

The waiter appeared to be laughing at us a bit. I'm not sure if it was because we talked funny--or maybe because we sampled each, and every thing at the buffet.  We did thank him when he removed our plates and refilled our soda and he laughed then too.  I don't know, but I did enjoy the food.


Unknown said...

Bummer on the tire, but what's not to love about friend okra???

DebD said...

Glad you caught the problem early. Enjoy your little detour.

Bob and Cheri said...

I'm sorry you are stuck with a bum tire - but thrilled that you are blogging about your adventures! I am loving reading this!