Thursday, April 7, 2011

The View From Spot Number Nine

Yup, we are in spot number 9, but just for the night.

Back when the owner was attempting to convince Keith and I that spot number 12 would work, both of us told the owner that we didn't think we would be able to get out of spot number 12 very easily.   Well, tonight as we were trailering the car as we prepped to leave in the morning, it became apparent that we were not going to be able to pull out of number 12 without taking the trailer off the RV.  The whole point of a pull through spot is to NOT have to disconnect the trailer (it's a royal pain).  Anyway, after engaging in forceful conversation (arguing), the owner was *finally* able to understand why we wouldn't be able to pull out without disconnecting everything.  Up until he realized that yes, Keith did know what he was talking about, the owner was being quite the donkey's behind. During this whole conversation, I stayed in the RV.  ;)

The owner did end up apologizing and Keith and I began the process of taking the trailer off, disconnecting everything, and moving to----spot number 9, making it much easier to leave in the morning.

The owner told Keith he would reimburse us part of our stay.  The owner's son (the original person I talked to who said he would ask the folks in number nine to move) came over to me and had me sign a refund slip-----for the whole three days.

Unexpected and not asked for, but wouldn't it have been easier (and cheaper) to have just asked the folks in number 9 to move in the beginning?


Unknown said...

Good grief.

Yes. It would have been easier AND cheaper.

#9 really was important, wasn't it?

Somewhere, through all of this, there's gold to be mined from this experience: I'm sure of it.

Hope you figure out what the golden nugget was!

Glad I don't have to!


G5 said...

I'm sure too Susan and, really, it's hard to stay mad when you are 150 yards from the ocean. :)

BETHANY said...

Hassle? Ridiculous? Yep.

Refund that makes it all worthwhile? I think so. :)