Monday, April 4, 2011

Ack! Wind, AGAIN.

We stayed an extra day in New Mexico to avoid a windstorm.  And avoid a windstorm in New Mexico we did, only to run into a windstorm in Texas.  We have had really high winds almost this entire trip.  Driving an RV in high winds is not fun, it is not relaxing and, frankly, it really sucks.   The wind is suppose to die down tomorrow.  We have 280 miles to go, Keith is exhausted and we are all a little bit tired of the small space right about now.

Here's hoping the beach helps!


icklepay said...

Wow! You drove a LOT today! I hope the beach is a blast!

Leslie said...

While I feel for you, I'm laughing at your "small space" comments. It's all in the perspective, isn't it? On our trip, we had 6 people in a Honda Odyssey - and a "long" drive was 620 miles in one day! :)

I hope your drive tomorrow goes better & you enjoy the beach!

G5 said...

I suppose Leslie--the driving in an RV is much more comfortable for long trips, although you don't drive as fast, so it takes longer. Add into that the additional stress of making sure you can park and pull in to places and ensuring that your directions are absolutely correct because it is a bear to try to turn around--well, the jury is still out (for me anyway) on whether or not the RV or car is better. When you are doing a long car road trip, you aren't (in general) also sleeping, cooking and living in your car. :)

Unknown said...

We had some wind in the Boonies as well, today!