More Musings….
*If I were to do this again, I would either shorten or lengthen the trip. All the way across the country and back in 8 ½ weeks was a bit ambitious. We are only 4 weeks in and I’m t.i.r.e.d. Driving days are stressful and non driving days are FULL. Shorter, closer to home trips or 4 months across the country would be preferable to the whirlwind tour we are doing. I think.
*I wish there was a better system for navigation. I have to double and triple check the GPS route against my atlas and bing and google just to ensure that our route is accurate. I also wish I had a GPS that would tell you what lane to be in. There’s nothing worse than trying to change lanes quickly in an RV.
*I really, really enjoy visiting places that differ from what I'm use to. Heck, I even love checking out the aisles in WalMart for all the different, local offerings. I love trying new food and interacting with people who are part of a different regional culture than I am.
*I think the next vacation (er, adventure) I embark on, I'll fly. ;)