Saturday, January 22, 2011

Maps and Reservations--Progress!

I sat down this afternoon at the dining room table with the computer, a calculator, a stack of maps, two monstrous RV campground guides and my notebook.

It was time to figure out what dates we will be at Fort Wilderness and start looking for campgrounds to stay at along the way.

It looks like we’ll be camping at the Grand Canyon late March and will be at Disney World in mid April. 

Reservations for the campground at the Grand Canyon have been made and inquires sent out for Fort Wilderness. 

I wish we didn’t have to stick to any sort of schedule—it would be so nice to just get in the RV and go—stopping wherever we want and taking however long we want to.  


Unknown said...

I hear ya on the freedom to just bag the schedule and do what you please.

Doesn't sound prudent, though, with some of the busier campgrounds and busier times of year.

Maybe you can do a combo of get-there-or-die dates for the busier campgrounds, and during the off season/off weekend times, you can be more flexible?

No doubt, the best laid plans often do go awry.

G5 said...

I think we are going to try to do that. The only reservations I plan on making pre trip are for the Grand Canyon and Disney.

We'll have a loose schedule for everything else. I bet we end up staying at some interesting places! I hope so!