Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What? You've Never Driven the RV?

I need to have my first lesson driving the RV--soon.  Yes, we've had the RV two years and I've yet to actually drive the thing.

Ever see the movie RV?  If you haven't, I highly recommend it.  The main character, Bob (played by the very funny Robin Williams) , a bigwig with a soda company, has to cancel his family's Hawaii vacation in order to make a sales pitch meeting in Colorado.

Rather than tell his family he has to cancel the vacation due to work, he rents a RV and proceeds to convince his wife that family bonding trumps Hawaii.

It's a quotable sort of movie.

In this clip, the family is just finding out that Hawaii is cancelled and they are packed and are just heading out.  Bob has a wee bit of difficulty navigating the RV for the first time.

Let's hope *MY* 1st time driving the RV goes a little bit smoother than Bob's.  I'll keep you posted.


BETHANY said...

I've never seen that movie. Off to see if the library has it. :)

G5 said...

It's one of my favorites. We like it so much, we own it.

Bob and Cheri said...

RV is now in my netflix queue. Hilarious!

Peg said...

We saw that movie right after we used our friend's RV for Family Camp. It was hysterical because we actually realized what he was talking about. Funny movie. And I have never driven an RV either. If we owned one I'd have to figure it out. Enjoy your lessons. You can do it!

The Hayes Zoo said...

Oh my heck...sooooo funny!!! You'll have to take some video while you have driver's ed. Snort. :)

I'm also thinking The Long Trailer movie with Luci and Desi from the 50s...:)

Off to load them into the Netflix account.

G5 said...

Cheri--I think you'll like it. :)

Peg--thanks for the encouragement!

Faith--HA! There probably won't be a video of me driving the thing....although I would NOT put it past my dear hubby to shoot some video on the sly....

BETHANY said...

Just watched it. Funny!