Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Animals

The gecko?  The local pet store boards reptiles.  Score.

The flippin’ goldfish that just.will.not.die?  The neighbor will take the tank and feed him.  Stupid fish.

The cats?  Ah, the cats.  What to do with the cats? In theory, I could hire someone to house sit.  I could also ask my neighbors and my Mom to take turns coming over to the house. 

Eight weeks is a loooonnnnng time to have someone coming into your home every other day.  I know that I wouldn’t want to take care of someone’s cats for that length of time.  After much angst, mostly on my part, Keith and I decided to :::gulp::: board them.

Did you know that it’s not so easy to board cats?  You have a dog?  No problem—there’s a kennel around every corner.  Not so with cats. 

It seems that there are two extremes—the $50- a- day premium kitty hotel or the cage at the local vet.  The first is obviously too expensive, the second --  too mean.  We are going to be gone too long for them to be in a little cage 24/7. 

Unlike the stupid.just.won’t.die. fish, I like my cats.   

See, aren’t they cute?

So, is there a middle ground?

Well, after much searching, I’ve found it.  Kitty Condos.  A great little place about 40 minutes away that offers a variety of set ups and rooms to board your cat.  There is even a vet right next door.

I paid them a visit and it’s perfect.  Clean, reputable and the kitties are allowed out every day.   I’m not springing for the Mickey themed Grande Condo or the Luxury Suite, but they will be in a Cozy Room that is definitely better than a little cage at the local vet.

I wrote a check and reserved the room.  Best of all, they offer a discount due to the extended stay! 


Nadine (RVMOM) said...

Buy the NP passport book, one for each kid. When you get to a park they can find the stamps and put them in their books. One day they can look back and see all the NP's they visited and how far their trip was.

G5 said...

I read or someone told me (it may have been you!) about the National Parks Pass, so I ordered some. I'm excited--it's a bit like letterboxing and Epcot's Passport.